vFairs Discover: Exciting Events to Look Forward to in the Upcoming Week (30th May – 5th June)

The vFairs Discover platform is a one-stop shop for you to quickly locate events that are relevant to your objectives and interests. The upcoming week will play host to a variety of activities that are geared toward people looking for work. Keep reading to find out more information about the upcoming events that vFairs Discover is hosting, all of which are accessible from the comfort of your own home!

1. Rise with SAP on the Road

Upcoming event on vFairs Discover platform


May 30, 2022


09:50 GMT+3:00

Warum sollten Sie daran teilnehmen?

Rise with SAP is a business innovation project. SAP has helped 1000+ customers prioritize continual business improvements and secure success with trusted partners through Rise with SAP. As the pandemic ends, the SAP company creates new chances. Rise with SAP will teach you how the world’s best corporation is restoring operational efficiency, profitability, and sustainability in all of its existing territories.

The speakers at this event will come from SAP, Google Cloud, and Deloitte to offer you a comprehensive overview of each firm and how they are working together to make this relationship a success.

Rise with SAP will teach you how to unlock your company’s hidden breakthroughs by implementing concepts designed for productivity and growth. SAP can help you automate your business processes by providing cloud-based technologies, financial managers, and consultants.

So what are you waiting for? Register now at https://discover.vfairs.com/events/7033/rise-with-sap-ksa

2. Connect to Careers Virtual Job Fair

Upcoming event on vFairs Discover platform


June 1, 2022


08:00 GMT-5:00

Warum sollten Sie daran teilnehmen?

It’s difficult to find work during a pandemic. Come to the Connect to Careers Job Fair to meet and network with firms looking to hire you. You’ll meet potential employers and explore your possibilities at Connect to Careers.

By visiting different employer booths on the virtual fair platform, you’ll discover fascinating prospects ranging from summer, part-time, and full-time work to internships and co-ops. You’ll also learn about employment qualifications, market trends, and industry expansion. This information will assist you in preparing for interviews and writing applications that will impress potential employers.

You can register at https://discover.vfairs.com/events/6646/connect-to-careers-virtual-job-fair

3. Georgia WL, DLI and ESOL Job Fair

Upcoming event on vFairs Discover platform


June 4, 2022


09:00 GMT-5:00

Warum sollten Sie daran teilnehmen?

Join the largest online Statewide World Language (WL), Dual Language Immersion (DLI), and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Job Fair. The candidates can research available vacancies in Georgia school districts, meet with hiring managers, and learn more about the opportunities for WL, DLI, and ESOL teachers in Georgia.

Among these organizations are several systems and colleges looking to fill vacant positions in important areas. Within the internet platform, each participating system can create its webpage. Job searchers can visit those school districts’ online booths to learn about their current positions and communicate with system administrators directly to learn more.

The event will include a summit where you can not only find employment openings but also attend various lectures in the auditorium. All job seekers in Georgia who want to connect with potential companies are encouraged to apply! Register now at https://discover.vfairs.com/events/7746/georgia-statewide-job-fair

vFairs Discover: Exciting Events to Look Forward to in the Upcoming Week (30th May – 5th June)

Hira Yousaf

Hira ist Redakteurin bei vFairs. Sie arbeitet seit etwa 3 Jahren auf dem SaaS-Inhaltsmarkt. Hira glaubt, dass das Schreiben ihre wahre Berufung ist, und freut sich darauf, verschiedene Nischen zu erforschen. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt, ist sie entweder auf Reisen und lernt neue Freunde kennen oder verbringt Zeit mit ihren Katzen Rio und Dusty!

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