Nestlé Announces They Will Host Manufacturing and Engineering Spotlight Session on October 14th with vFairs as Event Technology Partner

The Nestlé Academy Spotlight Session will be a virtual event with past academy graduates and manufacturing and engineering professionals sharing their experiences and knowledge with attendees.

Nestlé Academy will host a virtual Spotlight Session for young professionals who are interested in a career in manufacturing or engineering sectors. The event will take place virtually on 14th October, 2022 at 16.00 – 17.00 GMT and interested attendees can register here.

The Nestlé Spotlight sessions are a great opportunity for young professionals to learn new skills that will be vital for their career growth and development. The sessions will cover everything from the Nestlé Graduate Academy application process to how it is working for the company.

The speakers at the Spotlight session are working professionals who are current or past engineering and manufacturing graduates from Nestlé Academy. They will share their experiences working with Nestlé and their roles and responsibilities in the Graduate scheme. Attendees can get answers to their most burning questions during the live Q&A sessions after the webinars.

The live sessions will provide accurate and on-ground insights from the manufacturing and engineering processes of Nestlé’s products that people love. The aim of the Nestlé Graduate scheme is to equip and empower young professionals who want to explore what it takes to work at the heart of innovation with Nestlé’s iconic products.

“The investment, exposure and opportunities you get are invaluable, and the people that you meet along the way really do make your role into a career, not just a job,” said Sara Ansari, Manufacturing Graduate.

“Nestlé’s Spotlight sessions are a fantastic way to make young professionals become more career-ready. The vFairs platform offers great tools and features to make these training and development sessions more innovative, effective, and fun,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs.

The event will be a rewarding experience for those who are interested in a career in design, manufacturing, packaging, engineering, and production. The event is free to register for all attendees and anyone can sign up here

About Nestlé Graduate Spotlight Sessions

Have you ever wondered about the people that ensure your favorite Nestlé products make it to your homes? If you join our session, you will get to hear from our engineering and manufacturing graduates as they share their experiences working at the forefront of innovation at one of our factory sites. They will share with you the skills they have built as part of the program, and how to put these into practice to solve real problems and make a positive difference.

Explore what a career in the factory is really like, and SIGN UP for free! With guidance and top-tips on the application process and what to expect on the job, this isn’t to be missed!

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Nestlé Announces They Will Host Manufacturing and Engineering Spotlight Session on October 14th with vFairs as Event Technology Partner

Syeda Hamna Hassan

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