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The New Toolkit Launch event will further the mission of the non-profit organization to reduce the impact of substance misuse in colleges and promote new College Prevention Partnerships.
Atlanta, GA – The New Toolkit Launch: Hosted by College Prevention Partnership is all set to take place on January 26th, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The virtual event will happen on the vFairs event technology platform and interested college faculty and staff members can register here.
The Georgia Prevention Project is a state-wide non-profit organization that strives to prevent substance misuse among youth and young adults across Georgia. Attendees of the event will get free access to our new College Prevention Partnership (CPP) Toolkit, an opportunity to hear from current CPP members and coordinators, as well as a chance to discover other prevention resources beneficial for all college campuses.
The launch event will attract university and college staff and faculty members who are willing to further this cause. They will be able to learn, start a discourse, and network with their peers and other professionals in the substance use prevention field.
College faculty members in attendance will also get their hands on health resources that can benefit them and their students. Additionally, attendees will learn more about CPP (College Prevention Partnership) and can expect a walkthrough for the complete process of starting a College Prevention Partnership on their campus.
“We are thrilled to be able to offer such a resource that allows universities across the state of Georgia to be part of our College Prevention Partnership Program. With the launch of our new toolkit, we hope to help all college faculty, and students leave a positive impact on their campuses,” said Rachel Morris, Communications Specialist for Georgia Prevention Project.
“Virtual events like these can help in the fight against substance abuse in college campuses as they open up the discourse to a much larger audience. I am glad vFairs is able to make that happen for the Georgia Prevention Project,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs.
Interested college faculty and staff members can register for the event here.
About College Prevention Partnership
The College Prevention Partnership, originally formed by Georgia Prevention Project, is a statewide prevention initiative designed to equip college students with the resources they need to bring awareness to the impact of Prescription Drug Misuse. In addition, we focus on factors that surround substance misuse such as mental health and stress. We currently have College Prevention Partnerships (CPP) with 15 different Universities across Georgia. With the introduction of our College Expansion Program (CEP) and new CPP Toolkit, we hope to continue our work of reducing the impact of substance misuse throughout the state.
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Syeda Hamna Hassan
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