BEST Center & LBNL to Host 2023 Annual Institute on January 4-6 with vFairs as Event Technology Partner

The virtual conference will be ideal for college faculty, students, design/technical professionals and policymakers who wish to improve their knowledge of high-performance building operations.

Berkeley, CA – BEST Center and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) will host the 2023 Annual Institute on January 4-6, 2023 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM PST. The virtual conference aims to empower current and future technical professionals for improving energy efficiency in buildings and appliances. Interested attendees can register for the event and get more information here.  

Now starting its eleventh year, BEST Center is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education Program. With events like these, BEST helps educators with college curriculum development for commercial building climate control, building automation and energy conservation. BEST also aims to improve building operations by upskilling technical professionals to save energy while maintaining occupant safety and health in commercial facilities.  

The 2023 Annual Institute is titled Advancing Building Decarbonization: Policies, Technologies, and Workforce Education. It will feature roundtable discussions and presentations with rich content centered around convergence of new federal initiatives, state and local building policies, and discuss the latest research in emerging technologies. 

The free national-level conference will also focus on workforce education requirements for energy efficiency imperatives and building decarbonization. The virtual platform will enable attendees to listen to experts and network with their peers through chat and roundtable discussions.

“We at BEST have been fortunate to receive ongoing commitment from NSF plus college and industry partners to continue our mission– to elevate building operations to save energy, money, and the planet. The past ten years have provided an excellent foundation, and we look forward to doing more to transform building technician education so that all might benefit,” said Larry Chang, Director of BEST Center.

“Virtual events can be a great way to share information, build relationships, and network with like-minded individuals. I am excited for this partnership with BEST Center to provide an engaging and interactive platform,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs.

Interested college students and faculty members along with professionals can register for the free event here.

About BEST Center

The Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center was founded in 2012 to support publicly-funded 2- and 4-year colleges with programs in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R), controls, building automation, and energy/facilities management. Sponsored by Advanced Technological Education grants from the National Science Foundation, this national collaborative promotes state-of-the-art building technician education and dissemination of the latest research, technology, and industry collaborations in energy efficient buildings.

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BEST Center & LBNL to Host 2023 Annual Institute on January 4-6 with vFairs as Event Technology Partner

Syeda Hamna Hassan

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