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The AIGAC Applicant Fair is a fantastic opportunity for grad school aspirants to meet representatives from leading business schools and find relevant admission resources.
Aptos, CA – Association of International Graduate Admission Consultants (AIGAC) is all set to host an Applicant Fair on 24th May 2023 through the vFairs event platform. Students interested in graduate school admissions can get more information and register for the event here.
The virtual event provides students with a platform to learn all there is to know about graduate school programs, admission requirements, and financing. They will get the opportunity to meet representatives from top universities and business schools aiding their research in testing for admissions and available programs.
The represented schools hail from all over Europe and the USA attracting grad school candidates and MBA applicants from all over the world. The virtual event is the one place all graduate school aspirants can get access to information about changes in programs, the future of the industry, entrepreneurship, and much more.
This is the third installment for the Applicant Fair and last year the event was well received with over 20 business schools and 650 registered applicants.
“This fair is a great opportunity for applicants to gain critical insights into the MBA application process from some of the world’s top MBA programs and admissions consultants,” said Adam Markus, AIGAC Director at Large and Applicant Fair Chair.
“I am glad AIGAC chose vFairs once again for hosting their virtual event. Students need all the information they can get, and this event is the best place for them,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs.
Registrations are open for this event at the official event website.
The Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC) provides insight and transparency into the graduate admissions process and promotes ethical standards and professional development among its members and stakeholders worldwide. Our membership is comprised of more than 200 admission consultants from 13 countries: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Greece, India, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Ukraine, and the United States.
AIGAC Admission Consultant Members are hired by applicants because they are professionals who have proven expertise, are accredited, and adhere to the highest standards in ethics, education, training, and experience.
For more applicant resources provided by AIGAC visit https://aigac.org/for-applicants/
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vFairs est une plateforme d'événements virtuels, hybrides et en personne qui aide les organisations de toutes tailles, industries et régions à organiser des événements en ligne mémorables afin d'obtenir de réels résultats commerciaux. La plateforme virtuelle et l'application mobile offrent des fonctionnalités polyvalentes et des options de personnalisation. Ils offrent également un support client exceptionnel, régulièrement classé numéro 1 sur des sites tiers tels que G2 et Capterra. C'est pourquoi les plus grandes organisations du monde entier ont choisi vFairs pour organiser des conférences virtuelles, des salons professionnels en ligne, des salons de l'emploi, des formations virtuelles et bien d'autres choses encore.
Syeda Hamna Hassan
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